Daily Updates console is a streamlined version of one that was existing.  Previously staff had to edit through an old perl-based web interface which wasn’t user friendly or intuitive (required training), had many unnecessary steps, and sent all the information at 3am at night.  The new console solved all of these problems with the following changes:

  • bringing the backend & frontend in to modern web technologies (dojo, php)
  • separated the editing in to logical sections (sports, news, weather) and in logical order
  • combined the editing (left column) and web preview (right column) in to one single interface rather than across two browser windows – bringing the content to the staff member as opposed to them having to find it
  • built the transfer script in to the interface itself so staff would not need any command line training/access and could send as soon as the data was input.

The result cut editing times in half & allowed for multiple staff to take on the task with almost no learning curve.