Generating a pleasing colour palette
What this does is randomly choose RGB values that are bright and colourful, while not being primary colours. It gives the application a much nicer look than standard colours. Below is the code to choose the random colour:
// figure out a pleasing colour // adapted from $grc = M_PI / 3; $h = mt_rand(0, (M_PI / 3) * 85) / 100; // use random start value $h += fmod($i, 3) * $grc; $h = (1 / M_PI) * $h; $rgb = HSVtoRGB(array($h, 1, 1));
And the next portion is to convert the HSV values that were generated above in to useable RGB values for your css eg. rgba(R, G, B, 1.0)
function HSVtoRGB(array $hsv) { // adapted from // original author: list($H,$S,$V) = $hsv; //1 $H *= 6; //2 $I = floor($H); $F = $H - $I; //3 $M = $V * (1 - $S); $N = $V * (1 - $S * $F); $K = $V * (1 - $S * (1 - $F)); //4 switch ($I) { case 0: list($R,$G,$B) = array($V,$K,$M); break; case 1: list($R,$G,$B) = array($N,$V,$M); break; case 2: list($R,$G,$B) = array($M,$V,$K); break; case 3: list($R,$G,$B) = array($M,$N,$V); break; case 4: list($R,$G,$B) = array($K,$M,$V); break; case 5: case 6: //for when $H=1 is given list($R,$G,$B) = array($V,$M,$N); break; } return array(round($R*255), round($G*255), round($B*255)); }